Morphogenetic fields

All matter and every living being is surrounded by an energy field, that is called “morphogenetic field”. A morphogenetic field consists of electromagnetic vibrations, a type of consciousness energy. This energy field is called an aura at humans.

All information from this and other lives are stored in this human aura. But plants and animals also have an aura.

The knowledge of an all-encompassing space in which all the world’s knowledge is contained and stored is existed and has always been existed. The sum of all individual morphogenetic fields results in the collective morphogenetic field of the entire planet Earth.

This collective morphogenetic field contains all events, feelings, thoughts, and words of every living being that has ever incarnated on Earth. In your Indian culture, the world memory is called the “Akashic Records”.
The “Book of Life”. “Akasha” stands for ether in Sanskrit.

The morphogenetic field of planet Earth, the Akashic Records, is the sole supporting basis of all “being”. Space and timeless. It is the force that keeps everything in balance.

“Karma”, the law, the cause and effect principle which extends over several life spans, has an effect on the entire stream of life in this earth field of consciousness. This cumulative storage field of knowledge connects all consciousness and creates the energetic connection level between people and their environment.

The collective consciousness of humanity
Everything is energy and vibrates.

Thoughts, words, feelings and emotions are energies that vibrate in space. Even the written word contains energetic vibration patterns. The totality of these vibrations emitted by all people form the collective consciousness.Another morphogenetic vibration field, which is contained in the entire morphogenetic earth field.

When a large number of people deal with a certain topic, the energy is bundled and forms a field that is reflected in the overall field of collective consciousness.

The human body is condensed energy. Humans are therefore “vibrational beings” who are surrounded by diverse vibrations. Vibrations have different frequencies. Fearful thoughts create low vibration energies. Loving thoughts, on the other hand, resonate high.

The type of vibrations that you humans send and receive every day influence your emotions. This is the reason for the sometimes seemingly inexplicable mood swings. Vibrations interact with each other. They resonate with each other. The universal law of attraction ensures that similar energy frequencies attract and reinforce each other.

As soon as you resonate with a low vibrational energy field from another person or from the collective consciousness, this negative energy is reflected in your emotions and you feel “weakened”.

If you are aware of yourself and are in a positive mood, you will attract even more positive vibrations and events into your life. With the fall of Atlantis, human consciousness was manipulated by the “shadow world”. Energetic, etheric implants provided access to people, who from that moment on became manipulable and controllable.

These interventions were carried out for the purpose of “energy theft”. These energy thieves use this life force to recharge their own life energy.

This has had the effect of binding humanity to a set of laws of unloving interests that have separated people from their unity consciousness. Negative thought forms such as discrimination, condemnation and contempt have their origins here and continue to feed the collective consciousness of “separateness” to this days.

These mental control mechanisms can hinder us on the spiritual path by creating unreal realities in our consciousness and thereby blocking our access to our soul, our access to our higher self.

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