Foreign Energies

Humans are constantly exchanging energy. Every encounter can lead to an exchange of energies. The deeper the emotional bond with our counterpart, the stronger this exchange of energies can be and influence your emotions and feelings.

Foreign energies with lower vibrational frequencies are energies that keep you on a lower vibrational level. This includes any energy that is not part of your own energy and has a lower vibration frequency than your own.

A person’s strong, energetic aura repels such foreign energies. However, if the person’s aura is weakened, such foreign energies can settle in the aura and have an unpleasant influence on the person’s life.

Foreign energies are interference fields and cause blockages which can even lead to physical complaints. There are many different forms and types of foreign energies.

Etheric implants from previous incarnations represent the most insidious form of energy vampirism. These must first be discovered and then energetically removed properly.

But karmic entanglements can also get on your last nerve if you are not aware of the background of the connection and take appropriate measures.

Negative thought spirals fed by the “negativity” of the collective consciousness.
Memories of negative experiences, strong identification with other people’s problems, attachment to non-incarnated twin siblings, holding on to deceased people, holding on to outdated beliefs and ideas represent variants of energy robbers from the individual and collective consciousness.

Split-off soul parts also make it easier for foreign energies to implant. The soul parts can be split off and lost due to traumatic experiences, shocking events, and black magic interventions.

Since “holes” and openings are torn in the aura, foreign energies can nestle there.

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