The Human: more than just a body

Humans are spiritual beings of light and love having a human experience.Most people have lost knowledge of this for a long time. These are the rules of the game of “forgetting” and “remembering” when entering the three-dimensional plane.

The human body is surrounded by several energy bodies, which can also be viewed as a filter system. Each energy body has its own vibration frequency and task. They resonate with each other.

The further the energy bodies are from the physical body, the brighter and higher they vibrate.

The physical body
The physical body is the primary and gross material shell of the self and has the lowest vibrational frequency due to its density. The physical body follows chemical and electrical impulses.The physical body serves as a temple for the soul to come into direct contact with the world of matter.

The Etheric Body
The etheric body is the carrier of human physical sensations. It forms an etheric protective coat around your physical body and, in its original state, prevents the penetration of pollutants and germs.This protection always loses its strength and intensity when we do not live in harmony with the natural needs of our body.

Negative thoughts and emotions also wear on the etheric protective layer and weaken it in the form of holes and cracks.

The expansion of the etheric body is closely related to your respective vital state and the supply of universal life force.

The etheric body is an intermediary between the physical body and the higher bodies.

The astral body
The astral body vibrates slightly higher in frequency than the etheric body.
He holds your thoughts, feelings and energies from all lives and forms the bridge between the lower and higher bodies. This so-called “hereafter body” is immortal.

With this “otherworldly body” you wander through the non-earthly worlds. It is the “garment” of the soul. Within the astral body, in addition to the etheric body, we differentiate between the emotional body and the mental body.

The emotional body
Your feelings, emotions and character traits are carried and managed by your emotional body. This emotional body shapes your worldview and your experiences like no other body.

All of your conscious and unconscious, redeemed and unredeemed feelings and emotions are stored in it. Both from your current incarnation and from previous incarnations. In addition to the feelings currently prevailing in your life, positive and negative feelings from the past and past incarnations are also radiated by and through him.

Every feeling has its own vibration frequency.

The law of resonance and attraction ensures that you attract similar vibrations that correspond to the vibration frequency of your feelings.

What you have repressed into the unconscious in your conscious life meets you and occurs outside in order to ultimately be redeemed.

The release of unwanted and unpleasant feelings occurs through the non-judgmental acceptance of these feelings. So that the negative emotional structures can be directed out with the help of the higher vibrational energies of the causal body. If your higher self recognizes your non-judgmental acceptance of your unpleasant and negative feelings, it begins to introduce high vibrational energies into the emotional body via the causal body, which replace and redeem the low vibrational energies in the emotional body.

Even a conscious positive orientation emanating from the mental body does not lead to the desired goal if the emotional body unconsciously radiates low-vibrating feelings such as fear, doubt, low self-esteem, etc. in the opposite direction to the desire.High vibrational feelings such as love, joy, gratitude, devotion, etc., on the other hand, “magically” attract the desired results.

The mental body
The mental body carries your thoughts, ideas and intuitive insights.
Its vibration is higher than that of the physical body, the etheric body and the emotional body and is less dense in its structure.

The mental body has a lower and a higher level.

The lower level represents your linear thinking of the rational mind.

His perception is based on his physical experience.

The physical body passes on the information about the emotional body to the lower mental body, the so-called ratio.

The resulting thoughts are distorted due to the influence of the subjective emotional body and create recurring, limiting rational thought patterns.

It is the mental body that maintains the illusion of separateness. The energy required for this is enormous.

The energy required to let go of this idea is a fraction of that.

At the higher level is the original function of the mental body. This consists of absorbing the universal truths transmitted by the causal body and integrating them into the rationale.

Such integration enables you to intuitive thought processes and find solutions.
In harmony with the universal laws and in exchange with your higher self.

The causal body
The spiritual body, also called the causal body, is the carrier of the spiritual
insights and truth. He is not afflicted by duality.

The expansion of this body depends on the spiritual development and “awareness” of each person.

Once the lower, lower vibrating bodies are clarified and cleansed, the causal body shines in its light.
In spiritually awakened people, i.e. people who have become aware of their multidimensional existence, this body can radiate over several kilometers.

Through the causal body you communicate with your higher self and the spiritual world, your spiritual guides.The higher the spiritual development, the easier and unfiltered the impulses and energy flows of the true knowledge of the highest spiritual level of being reach you.

The Aura
The aura is in principle the entirety of the subtle energy body just mentioned. The aura is your energy and information field.

It reflects your state of consciousness and is the current expression of your soul.

It also contains your karmic storage.

The aura consists of different layers. Each layer is assigned to a chakra.

It surrounds your physical body like an energetic shell.

Both are in constant interaction with each other.

The aura acts as an intermediary between your physical being and your light body.

The Light body
The light body is the energy body surrounding you with the highest vibrating frequency. The Light Body is in direct contact with your Higher Self. The fully activated light body is the body of your future.

During the ascension process you pass through several stages of the light body.
In addition to the emotional and mental cleansing of your energy body, the process of the light body is a process in which consciousness experiences an expansion, and an extention.

In the process of light body awareness, the light from the highest level of consciousness is introduced and integrated into the physical body.

At the end of the Light Body process, your physical body is permeated with divine light.

Your 12 DNA strands are then fully activated again. The astral body is purified and returns to the ideal, original state of its blueprint.

The Merkaba
“Mer – Ka – Ba” stands for “Light – Spirit – Soul ”.

The Merkaba is a crystalline light structure around the human body and represents the electromagnetic portion of the light body.

It is a triple star tetrahedron with two counter-rotating fields.

The interlocking energy fields correspond to the physical, etheric, emotional and mental fields. The physical star tetrahedron is stationary and does not rotate.

The emotional star tetrahedron is magnetic in nature, feminine and rotates to the right. The mental star tetrahedron is inherently electric, masculine and rotates counterclockwise.

Every human has a Merkaba.

The respective Merkabar of the respective soul is always where the eternally living consciousness is located.

It is your life carrier and has its “own” consciousness.

Under the guidance of the spirit, the fields can be built up via the heart chakra and the Merkaba can be activated.

Only the basic attitude of love drives the Merkaba.

An activated Merkaba allows you to merge with your higher self for the first time and connects you with your planet of origin, your cosmic parents and the light beings in other dimensions.

It is a vibrating, luminous, spinning field of awakening.

In the ancient Hebrew language, the Merkaba is called a chariot or throne chariot.

The activated Merkaba is also viewed as the ascension vehicle into higher dimensions and enables you to travel interdimensionally.

It has a diameter of ten body lengths.

The counter-rotation of the electric mental field and the magnetic emotional field in a specific speed ratio means that thoughts can be realized more quickly in reality.

The Merkaba is also programmable and can block electrosmog, generate a heat field and create a constant magnetic field.

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