The first steps to freedom

What does freedom really mean? Freedom can be defined as sovereign, autonomous and independent self-determination. Freedom requires an ability to distance oneself from the state of self-determination. Your human emotions …

Karmic connections

The spiritual concept, the law of karma, states that every action, whether physical or mental, inevitably has consequences across incarnations. Karmic entanglements can be found everywhere, in family and friends, …

Foreign Energies

Humans are constantly exchanging energy. Every encounter can lead to an exchange of energies. The deeper the emotional bond with our counterpart, the stronger this exchange of energies can be …

Morphogenetic fields

All matter and every living being is surrounded by an energy field, that is called “morphogenetic field”. A morphogenetic field consists of electromagnetic vibrations, a type of consciousness energy. This …

Powerful energies flow in

What exactly is photon energy? The term “photon” comes from Greek usage and language means “light”. Photons are carrier particles with wave properties and move at the speed of light. …