Entry into the photon belt of planet “Earth” – 2012

In the past, the Planet Earth traveled through the photon ring every 11,000 years for a period of about 2,000 years. These were considered the Age of Light or the Age of Divine Consciousness.

Planet Earth has been in the Moorish hologram of the photon belt for some time and is therefore in its sphere of influence on a subtile level.

The intensity of photon energy on planet Earth increases daily and thus permeates matter.

On December 21st, 2012, planet Earth went directly into the photon belt and thus into the divine consciousness.

The photon ring has different energy qualities than those outside its sphere of influence.

The light is very highly concentrated in this ring and there is an extremely high vibration. The effects of photon energy on planet Earth have increased and initiated the complete transformation of consciousness.

The dominant force is the light.

You humans are getting out of the usual cycle and everything will be different.

When planet Earth enters the zero zone of the photon belt, a three-day darkness may occur. During this time frame, a complete realignment will take place.

As soon as the photon band has maneuvered planet Earth out of the zero zone and out of the photon ring, other laws prevail.

While the planet Earth was previously in the area of ​​​​influence of the Pleiades, it is now approaching the star system Sirius.

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