Declaration of the Syban Faith

We believe that the Holy Book of Syban, comprised of the current Syban Encyclopedia Volumes 1 – 3, is the source of the teachings, tenets, traditions, and faith of the Syban Church.

We believe in the interconnectivity of all things that exist and things that do nit exist, in all planes of existence, and in all dimensions, with the sum of all of these things comprising the supreme being “All-In- One”.

We believe in the unconditional Love that “All-In-One” has for all of its components of existence.

We believe in the generosity of “All-In-One”.

We believe in the five elements and their specific purpose and respect their force in the universe in accordance of the scriptures of the Syban Church.

We believe in the balance and harmony of the masculine and the feminine energy throughout the universe and in all dimensions.

We believe in the importance of the balance and harmony of our spiritual and genetic inheritance, from our parents and ancestors, and both sides of our lineage.

We believe that anyone can be in contact with their divine origin.

We believe that everyone can come in contact with their divine origin through the achievement of balance of the collective spiritual and genetic inheritance and harmony of the morphogenetic field that one possesses.

We believe that anyone can come in contact with their divine origin through the proper activation and balance of the Chakra system, accordance to the scriptures of the Syban Church.

We believe that every person is part of the “All-In-One” and has a direct connection to the “All-In-One”, their divine origin, and that everyone has the potential to be divine.

We beliefe in life and other forms of existence after death in the three dimensional world on Planet Earth.

We believe in reincarnation and karma.

We believe that life, diverse life forms, and civilizations also exist on other planets throughout the universe, and in different dimensions.

We believe that the existence and history of Earth is and was defined bz the collective interactions of the various components of “All-In-One” through its spirit, love and light. This includes the interactions of the “Council of 12”, the forces of nature, alien civilizations and humans in accordance of the scriptures of the Syban Church.

We believe in channeling, divination and different communication with spirits, other dimensions and planes.

We believe that dreams, visions, intuition, inner voices and meditations are forms of communication and information exchanges that one can have with their higher self, other souls, spirits and with “All-In-One”.

We believe in the importance and power of crystals and their peaceful use.

We believe in abundance throughout the universe.

We believe that each individual has the birthright, free will and personal responsibility for their own spiritual growth, education and development.

We believe that the purpose of the Syban Church is to assist and guide any and all who ask to find their own spiritual truth, regardless of their sex, race, age, gender, background, sexual orientation, or other affiliations through teachings, tenets, traditions and faith of the Syban Church.

We believe in and respect the free will of all humans and respect all life forms and nature, throughout all levels of existence, in the whole universe.

We also respect and value those who do not share our believes.

We believe in religious freedom, as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others, is not violent, and is within the law of the respective government of competent jurisdiction.

We believe in and respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We respect the Constitution of the United States of America.

We respect the governments of all nations.

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