Ascension process from third to fifth dimension


Planet Earth and another 388 planets are in the process of ascending from the third to the fourth to the fifth dimension. Along with the residents on the planet, who have decided to do so as well, on a soul level.

Since the sinking of Atlantis, about 10,000 years before our era, Mother Earth and humanity have been in the third dimension, in duality. Living in duality is a deception of consciousness, an illusionary perception of being separate from “All That Is.” Because in reality everything that exists is a unity.

Only through the illusion of being separated, which is maintained by your ego, was and is individuality possible to experience.

The planet is on the way to the fifth dimension, as is humanity. The fifth dimension is the level in reality where unity consciousness begins.

What does the ascension mean for humankind?

A shift in consciousness is taking place. The old, dual energies and customs have had their days. Old structures, incrustations and limitations are breaking down. Upheavals and turbulence happen on both a large and a small scale.

That was the old covenant.

The next covenant will be made upon your hearts and will be done upon your hearts. In the love of “All That Is”.

The cleansing process of Mother Earth and her humans required for ascension occurs on many levels. In the inside and in the outside. As a result of the process of emerging ascension, the vibration of the planet and all life on Earth is increasing.

Many events may happen quickly. The change in humanity’s consciousness is noticeably increasing and is noticeable in many aspects of everyday life. Everything is speeding up.The old can go because the new wants to take its place.

What can people do, to also support this process?

A realignment of your existence is essential for you if you want to make the change as harmonious as possible. Change begins within each and every one of you.

Let us look at the human being in his “wholeness”, this will identify, that your personality is built on generally valid basic structures.

Every human soul is structured similarly. In addition to the physical body, your energy bodies and the chakra system, you are accompanied by your mind, ego, feelings and emotions, sensations, programs, beliefs, experiences and memories from this and previous lives.

Given the variety of events in your various lives, all of which have an impact on your energy body system and your current life situation, it would be helpful for you to examine aspects of your current life. On this occasion it is important to recognize hindering conditioning and ego structures.

To accept and transform these in love in order to allow personal finding of meaning, self-knowledge and your own sense of well-being of your holistic, true being. In order to return from your millennia-long individual journey of discovery back to unity consciousness and thus back to your full creative power, it is necessary to recognize, accept and transform all limiting energies and structures in love.

In order to allow your personal self-discovery, self-knowledge and your own sense of well-being of your holistic, true “being” to take hold.

In order to return from your millennia-long individual journey of discovery back to unity consciousness and thus back to your creative power, all limiting energies and structures must be transformed.

As soon as the individual ego is transformed into the cosmic ego, you humans re-enter the unity consciousness, the “WE”.

On the way there, many heart-touching and bright moments can happen to you. Just like insights and events, but also unexpected hurdles and obstacles need to be overcome.

Trusting that everything is happening for your good is the “key” in this process.

You should realize that it is no coincidence that you incarnated on the planet at this exact time of ascension.

Global and individual connections in life become easier to understand and see when viewed from a higher perspective. Your spiritual helpers and spiritual guides are always available to provide you with advice and support upon request and will also accompany you in these and future times.

The presence, protection and attention of the spiritual light beings in this ascension process is more absolute than ever before.

A new dynamic is coming into force.

A turning point in which every consciousness is aligned with the light of creation. Every person’s cells are restructured and their DNA is completely restored. At the same time, a comprehensive change in energy production is taking place on Mother Earth.So you humans can move forward with confidence into the new age where love will replace fear.

We would like to show you possible ways and perspectives to make your everyday life easier in the process of introspection, cleansing, transformation and becoming conscious.In this progressive change in your entire life circumstances, we would like to provide you with useful tools so that you can find and live your own place in the new era. It is up to each individual person and everyone has the free choice whether to react passively or actively to the external circumstances in life. Or to actively shape your new life.

What decision do you want to make?

On the journey into the “golden age” the following questions ultimately arise for each of you:
“Who am I really?”
“Why I’m here?”
“Am I fulfilling my soul’s purpose with what I do?”
“What fills my heart?”

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