The Harmonic Convergence – 1987

After the sinking of Atlantis about 10 thousand years ago, “man” was cut off from his spiritual connection.

If you were previously equipped with 12-stranded DNA, your DNA then mutated back to two strands. As a result, your chakras closed and your “consciousness” was lost.

On the 16th/17th August 1987 marked the beginning of the final phase of a 25-year global process of transformation. Planet Earth, people and all living things on the planet were ready for an increase in vibration and, with it, a further evolutionary leap. And so it happened. An energetic opening occurred and unusual cosmic rays have been hitting the earth ever since.

The light particles of these gamma rays want to take their place in our body and support the necessary cleansing process. The first steps were thus taken for awakening until the dimension change around 2012.

A number of people in different regions of the world opened up to spiritual perspectives at that time. Since then, there has been a gradual increase in the frequency of the earth and in people’s bodies. This is necessary so that you can leave the three-dimensional plane and enter the fifth dimension via the fourth.

This transformation process, also known as the light body process, implies that you humans can mentally and emotionally transform and vibrate out all of your limiting beliefs, belief patterns and programs in order to raise your own vibration.

These programs and belief patterns settle as crystalline structures in your physical and etheric bodies. Your “shadow sides” want to be flooded with light so that you can slowly get out of the karma and incarnation cycle.

In the course of this, other parts of your soul want to be integrated again. In the fifth dimension you as “galactic people” regain your full consciousness. The newly acquired unity consciousness opens your hearts.

Your heart chakra will be fully activated and the “golden age”, the “new covenant” can begin. The new covenant is the alliance through and with your heart.

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