Earth’s Entry into the Sun’s photon belt – 2000

Earth’s solar system revolves around the central sun Alcyone. A complete revolution of the solar system takes 26,000 years.

The solar system enters the photon belt twice. Since the 1960s we have been approaching the photon belt that surrounds the Pleiades. This photon belt consists of pure light or “photon energy” from the primal source. Science also speaks of gamma rays here.

Photon energy is the released power of the primordial light from the source. This photon energy has an impact on the Earth’s global magnetic field by reducing its strength. It has a transformative effect on your human consciousness and your four-body system, gradually realigning them into a light body.

On the 4th/5th In May 2000, Earth’s sun positioned itself within this galactic force field. Since then, the earth has been in the aura of this force field and is therefore constantly influenced by these light waves.

Contact with this photon ring, also called the Manic Ring, and brings about sweeping energetic changes to all structures on the planet.

The closer the Earth gets to the photon belt, the more intense the influence.

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