Locations of Diverse Alien Training Centers (Aliens from Various Planets)

Continent Africa to the Middle East 

By the Nephilim 

(hereditary & genetic manipularions; gold mining;

Soul enslavement, Intervention of the Venusians)

Africa to Gibraltar

By the Nephilim

(Pacific to Australia, hybrids and demi-gods Lumanians)

Tihuanaco, Bolivia, Titicaca Lake 

By the Venusians & Antarians

Lemuria, (Land Mu) modern Japan, Pacific Islands

Hyperborea, Spitsbergen & Islands 

By the Venusians, Pleiadians

Tibet & China 

By the Venusians, Pleiadians, Antarians

North Africa, Arab countries 

By the Sirians

Atlantis, Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean 

By the Sirians, Pleiadians, Antarians

(later influx by the Martian and Sirian rebellious souls)

Upper Egypt, Egypt 

By the Venusians, Pleiadians,


Bt the Venusians, Pleiadians

Mesopotamia & Sumer

By the Annunaki/Nephilim

North Africa

By the Nephilim


By the Venusians, Pleiadians


By migrants from Atlantis

England, Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavia 

By migrants from Hyperborea

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