Galactic & Planetary Events

Advanced cultures such as the Mayans, the Aztecs, the ancient Egyptians, the ancient Greeks, the Hindus and the Hopi Indians agreed on one point: around 2012, serious changes on planet Earth will come to a head and ultimately take place.

Moving events, to name just a few:
* The Harmonic Convergence – 1987
* Earth’s New Magnetic Grid – 1989
* Earths Entry into the Sun’s photon belt – 2000
* The Solar Wind Cycle
* The weakening of the earth’s magnetic field
* Increase in Schumann frequency
* “Time” is speeding up
* Transition to the Age of Aquarius since 2010
* Earth’s Entry into the photon belt – 2012
* The Galactic Conjunction – 2010

Since 1987, planet Earth, all living beings and humanity have been in the midst of a turbulent phase of transformation with numerous cosmic events. These cosmic events assist humanity and planet Earth in dimensional ascension through the fourth dimension into the fifth dimension. This involves a purification process for humanity and planet Earth. As a result, planet Earth is approaching the central sun of the galaxy.

The central sun of our galaxy is Alcyone. Each galaxy has a central sun that serves as a gateway, a “star gate,” to the higher dimensions. This portal separates the physical world from the non-physical world. Your solar system will be transported into a multi-star system.

You will therefore enter a higher dimension and you will create a completely new system of coexistence. According to your Mayan records, the full transition period lasts 52 years. So from 1987 to 2039.

Humanity has the chance to break out of rigid patterns. You have the opportunity to develop further in harmony with nature and you can slowly but surely say goodbye to ego-driven behavior. The cosmic influences meet exactly the prevailing mental attitude of the respective person. The external events activate internal processes.

Physical complaints can arise in order to draw attention to old blockages and ultimately resolve them.

All matter is increasingly illuminated by cosmic radiation and becomes lighter and vibrates higher. The entire cell system of the human body is subject to change. This change will ultimately change and enhance human DNA. The cells of all living beings store light and the entirety of this light controls life processes. Every cell in every living body is allowed to adapt to the new higher vibration of planet Earth.

The collective consciousness will rise to a higher level of consciousness. The awakening of a new humanity that has recognized and embraced its creative power represents the next stage of evolution on planet Earth. This also means lifting the veils. To recognize who you really are. Why you are here. To put aside old burdens and finally open your hearts in order to master the new tasks in the “golden age” with love and freedom.

Because happiness can only be found “inside” you.

This is the promise of the new age of the heart energy. That is the “New Covenant”.

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